College of Consultors

Rev. Mark Fesniak

Rev. Mark Fesniak

Pastor of St. Nicholas Church, Protopresbyter of South Anthracite Protopresbyterate

415 North Front Street, Minersville, PA 17954
(570) 544-4581
Rev. Robert J Hitchens

Rev. Robert J Hitchens

Rector of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Protopresbyter of Washington Protopresbyterate

201 Taylor Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1097
(202) 529-1177
Rev. Ihor Royik

Rev. Ihor Royik

Pastor of Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Protopresbyter of Lehigh-Schuylkill Valley Protopresbyterate

472 Emmett Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
(610) 933-7801
Rev. Taras Svirchuk, CSsR

Rev. Taras Svirchuk, CSsR

Pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, Syncellus for Religious

719 Sanford Avenue, Newark, NJ 07106
(973) 371-1356
Rev. Ivan Turyk

Rev. Ivan Turyk

Pastor of Assumption of BVM Church

684 Alta Vista Place, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
(732) 826-0767
Rev. Msgr. Peter Waslo

Rev. Msgr. Peter Waslo


810 N. Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123
(215) 627-0143

Canon 271 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches

§1. The eparchial bishop must establish a college of eparchial consultors to which belong the functions determined by law.

§2. The college of eparchial consultors is to be constituted for a five-year period but upon the expiration of the term they continue in the exercise of their functions until a new college is established.

§3. The members of the college of eparchial consultors must be not less than six nor more than twelve in number; if, for any reason whatever, within the determined five-year period there is no minimum number of members of the college, the eparchial bishop is to restore the college by appointment of new members, otherwise the college cannot act validly.

§4. The members of the college of eparchial consultors are freely appointed by the eparchial bishop from those who, at the time of their appointment, are members of the presbyteral council.

§5. The eparchial bishop presides over the college of eparchial consultors; when the eparchial see is vacant or impeded, it is presided over by the one who, in the interim, holds the place of the eparchial bishop or, if none has been designated, by the priest of the college itself who is senior by sacred ordination.

§6. Whenever the law establishes that the eparchial bishop needs the consent of the college of eparchial consultors, it is sufficient for the patriarch, in the matters of the eparchy which he himself governs, that he consults this college.