Administrator St Nicholas Church in Philadelphia
810 N Franklin Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 215-627-0143 rborovyi@ukrcatholic.orgPastor of Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary Church
2026 Bath Road, Bristol, PA 19007 (215) 788-7117 idemkiv@comcast.netPastor of St Michael the Archangel Church
1013 Fox Chase Road, Jenkintown, PA, 19046 (215) 576-5827 wasylkharuk@yahoo.comPastor of Christ the King Church
1629 West Cayuga Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 (215) 455-2416 kurpel@aol.comAdminstrator of St. Michael Church
675 Cooper Landing Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (856) 482-0938 evhenmoniuk@gmail.comParochial Vicar of St Michael the Archangel, Jenkintown, PA
1013 Fox Chase Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046 (215) 576-5827 OMykytchyn@ukrcatholic.orgRector of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
819 North 8th Street, Philadelphia PA, 19123 (215) 922-2845 rpitula7000@gmail.comVocations Director
810 N Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 215-627-0143, ukrvocations@ukrcap.orgPastor of Holy Myrrh Bearers
900 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, PA 19081 (610) 544-1215 DTroyan@ukrcatholic.orgChaplain – Sisters of St. Basil the Great
710 Fox Chase Road, Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046-4198 (215) 379-3998 ext. 544 jnchirp63@aol.comPastor of St. John the Baptist Church
60 Nоrth Jefferson Road Whippany, NJ 07981 (973) 887-3616 stepanbilyk7@gmail.comPastor of St. Nicholas Church
60 Holdsworth Court Passaic, NJ 07055 (973) 471-9727 adudkevych@yahoo.comAdministrator of St Nicholas Church, Administrator of St Paul Church
Route 46 P.O. Box 162 Great Meadows, NJ 07838 (908) 799-3386 kostyuk123@yahoo.comPastor of St. Michael the Archangel Church
1700 Brooks Boulevard Hillsborough, NJ 08844 (908) 526-9195 kndrvych@yahoo.comPastor of St. Josaphat Church, Protopresbyter of New Jersey Protopresbyterate
1195 Deutz Avenue Trenton, NJ 08611 (609) 695-3771 tarlonch@gmail.comPastor of St. Stephen Church
1344 White Oak Bottom Road, Toms River, NJ 08755 (732) 505-6053 rev.volodymyr@gmail.comPastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Church
30 Bentley Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07304 (201) 432-3122 vputera@yahoo.comPastor of St. Volodymyr Church
309 Grier Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07202-3310 (908) 352-8823 RomanyukRuslan@yahoo.comPastor of St. John the Baptist Church, Syncellus for Religious
719 Sanford Avenue, Newark, NJ 07106 (973) 371-1356 starasijcssr@yahoo.comPastor of Assumption of BVM Church
684 Alta Vista Place, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 (732) 826-0767 aphinagor@hotmail.comPastor of Patronage of Mother of God Church
719 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008 (732) 366-2156 vladykavasyl@yahoo.comParochial Vicar for the Ukrainian Catholic Shrine of the Holy Family in Washington, DC Parochial Vicar SS. Joachim and Anna Church in Front Royal, VA
201 Taylor Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1097 202-526-3737 AChornopyskyi@ukrcatholic.orgPastor of Holy Trinity Church
16631 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20905-3919 (301) 421-1739 alexanderd715@aol.comRector of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary Protopresbyter of Washington Protopresbyterate
201 Taylor Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-1097 (202) 529-1177 sjsfrrjh@gmail.comAbbott at Monastery of the Holy Cross
1302 Quincy Street, NE Washington, DC 20017-2614 (202) 832-8519 abbotdc@aol.comPastor of St. Michael Church
2401 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224-3616 (410) 675-7557 tserkva@yahoo.comPastor of St John the Baptist Church, Administrator of St Vladimir Church
1343 Newport Avenue Northampton, PA 18067 (610) 262-4104 vbunik@gmail.comPastor of St Anna Church, Administrator of Presentation of the Lord Church Judicial Vicar
1545 Easton Road Warrington, PA 18976-1505 (215) 343-0779 mivanov@ukrcatholic.orgPastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Church
P.O. Box 126, 519 Union Avenue, Bridgeport, PA 19405 (610) 272-7035 rppopivchak@aol.comPastor of Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Protopresbyter of Lehigh-Schuylkill Valley Protopresbyterate
472 Emmett Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460 (610) 933-7801 iroyik@hotmail.comPastor of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
501 Summit Avenue, Reading, PA 19611 (570) 205-2053 RSverdan@ukrcatholic.orgPastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church, Protopresbyter of North Anthracite Protopresbyterate
135 River Avenue, Olyphant, PA 18447 (570) 291-4451 nestoriwasiw@hotmail.comPastor of St. Volodymyr Church
430 N. 7th Ave., Scranton, PA 18503-2104 (570) 342-7023 myronyuk@yahoo.comPastor of Transfiguration of Our Lord Church
240 Center Street, Nanticoke, PA 18634 (570) 406-5882 wpasicznyk@ukrcap.orgPastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Church
706 Warren Street, Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 752-3172 revromp@aol.comPastor of St. Nicholas Church, Protopresbyter of South Anthracite Protopresbyterate
415 North Front Street, Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-4581 frmark2@yahoo.comPastor of St. Michael Church
114 South Chestnut Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976-2214 570-462-0809 frmyron@gmail.comPastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Church
131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, PA 17851 (570) 339-0650 legger3147@aol.comPatronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
210 W. Blaine Street, McAdoo, PA 570-455-0643 OKuts@ukrcatholic.orgPastor of St. Michael Church
243 South Middle Street, Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-1101 frzvarych@gmail.comPastor of St Josaphat Church, Administrator of Holy Ghost Parish
1826 Kenmore Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18018-3305 (610) 865-2521 ukieseminarian@gmail.comPastor