The first Ukrainian immigrants came to the Pottstown region at the beginning of the twentieth century. They came from all corners of the “Old Country” to search for a better future. Though their worldly possessions were mostly meager, they carried in their hearts great treasures of piety, filial loyalty to their church and love of their traditions.
Scattered among other peoples and unable to organize their own parish, these early settlers attended other Catholic churches, or often, traveled for miles to distant places to visit a church of their own Rite. The sorrow for their native Church continuously had given them no peace of mind. Years later, after the Ukrainian settlers grew in numbers and worked diligently with one aim in mind, they achieved a minimum financial security and felt that the time had arrived when their dream would become a reality and they would begin to build the church in which they could raise their prayers to Almighty God in their own Rite.
A group of deeply religious and closely attached to their Church, the Ukrainian immigrants obtained two lots for the church building. On February 19, 1935 the initial meeting was held, which elected a Parish committee consisting of the following: Stephen Sendecki, Michael Shewchuk, Joseph Breslawski, Stephen Hish, John Groth, John Lomnychuk, John Karchut and Michael Hish. At the same meeting the name of Saint Michael the Archangel as the patron of the new parish was selected. The first Masses in the Ukrainian Rite were celebrated by Rev. Jacob De Bour, Pastor of Reading, Pennsylvania.
The 15-member building committee was elected May 4, 1935. It concerned itself with raising funds through such activities as organizing picnics, dinners, and other undertakings. However, since the funds collected were insufficient to begin building immediately, it was decided on August 29, 1936, to obtain a $5.000.00 loan from the Citizens National Bank and trust Co. of Pottstown. Stephen Sendecki, John Lomnychuk, John Groth, Michael Shewchuk, Stephen Hish, Michael Hish, and Marie Chomyn guaranteed this mortgage with their own property as collateral. These persons became chief benefactors of our church.
After first disappointments (because of an unreliable contractor), the building contract was awarded to Mr. William Griffith, who was Mayor of Pottstown at that time. He completed the church building for $7,000.00. The cornerstone was blessed by Rev. Wolodymyr Obushkevich, pastor of Reading on November 22, 1936. He administered our Parish from December 22, 1935, until September 27, 1941. The first Holy Mass in the newly built church was celebrated by Rev. W. Obushkevich on April 11, 1937. The pontifical Blessing of the church took place on July 5, 1937, by His Excellency, Most Rev. Constantine Bohachevsky, with other clergy from nearby areas assisting.
On February 2nd of the same year the parish acquired two additional lots for $400.00. The new church of St. Michael the Archangel became the center of an active religious life for Ukrainian Catholics of Pottstown. At the same time their deep-rooted devotion and love of their Rite urged them on to still further labors and sacrifice. Parishioners kept up the mortgage payments and gave generously towards furnishing and beautifying the new church.
Those who stood at the helm guiding us through the trials and tribulations know through what efforts all this has been accomplished. Recalling with merited pride our innumerable accomplishments and gratefully acknowledging the work of our early pioneers, we must pause long enough to recognize how much yet to be done. However, through a united effort, we can be assured of an even brighter future.