A Reflection for the Third Sunday after Pentecost—Father’s Day-Sunday, June 21, 2020

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself

A Reflection for the Third Sunday after Pentecost—Father’s Day-Sunday, June 21, 2020

Gospel Reading Matthew 6:22-34

This Sunday, Father’s Day, we honor our fathers in what are very interesting times.

All of us may have fears and apprehension about the worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus.  Perhaps a family member, a friend, a co-worker have been infected or maybe even have succumbed to this virulent illness.  Maybe you have spent the past several months out of work, worrying how to pay the bills, provide for yourself or your family as a result of the imposed shutdown.  As a young student, you may have experienced the disappointment of not having a traditional high school or college graduation and the other events associated with this important milestone in your life.

Our dedicated clergy have had to be innovative and resourceful in providing for the spiritual needs and the sacramental life for the souls entrusted to their care.

Recently compounding the situation there has been a deterioration of civility in our society from the senseless murder of unarmed black men from irresponsible local police officers, who rather than enforcing the law, appear to have blatantly broken the law. And violence begets violence. We have witnessed peaceful protests throughout the cities of our nation devolve into riots, looting and the destruction of businesses and the defacing and torching of many buildings, including churches, synagogues and mosques.

All of  these cascading events cause us to experience a range of emotions including anger, sadness, worry, fear and despair–just to name a few.

However think back to the days of our youth.   When we were afraid, we would run to daddy to help us, to protect us, to defend us.  This was the dad who provided for us and counseled us with his advice and wisdom and instilled in us hope.  He assured us everything would be all right.  And we were comforted by our fathers with his reassuring words. Don’t worry, be happy! 

We hear the same advice from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in today’s Gospel.  He tells us “do not worry about your life. . . .” (Mt. 6:25) and asks “Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?” (Mt. 6:27)

Jesus cites the birds of the air, how Our Heavenly Father feeds them and how He clothes the lilies of the field in splendor that surpasses that of Solomon.

Jesus reminds us Our Heavenly Father knows our needs and our concerns.  “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you. . . .” (Mt. 6:33)

So, today on this Father’s Day, as we honor our fathers, our dads, our pops, let us thank God for blessing us with them and thank them for all that they have provided for us.  To those who are living, call or visit them and express your thanks to them and your love for them.  If your father has been called home to the Lord, pray that he will find rest in the bosom of Abraham, be numbered among the saints and that his memory be eternal.

Finally, let us thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of life and for all He has given us and for providing for our daily needs.  And let us always heed the assuring words of His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, “Do no worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.” (Mt.6:34)

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