Archbishop Borys Gudziak about the coronavirus pandemic

Today the Lord speaks to us through what is happening, Archbishop Borys Gudziak about the coronavirus pandemic.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

May this time of Lent, which is so strongly marked by this virus, be the period when we affirm ourselves in our faith, in our certainty that God is with us, Archbishop Gudziak, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, said this in a video message to the faithful.

At this critical time of the coronavirus epidemic, Bishop Borys encourages to be careful, to protect ourselves and our fellow men. “Be careful, but also cheerful and confident that you are in God’s hands. No matter where we are, at home or on public transport, at work, or on vacation, when we are in church, we should follow the advice given to us by medical experts,” he said.

At the same time, the Metropolitan of Philadelphia is asking us not to forget that we are Christians, we are not doomed or afraid because we know that the Lord is with us.

He also encourages the faithful to reflect on the significance of these events and the presence of God in them. “Today the Lord speaks to us through all what is happening. We have the opportunity to feel our global solidarity and our global weakness. We can walk away from the pride of our technology, our transportation, our sport, realizing that all this is very delicate, that life is a great gift that the Lord gives us, because He wants us to live and live with Him, ” asks the bishop to think.

Life is calming down a bit now, he says, because we should be home more now and perhaps alone. “But let this loneliness not be sorrow, let it be an opportunity to read the Word of God, to listen to the Lord speaking through the signs of the times. Let’s support each other. Let’s call each other. Let us sing, let us rejoice in the gifts that the Lord has given us – our family, our health, our Church, our people, our neighbor. We are all very gifted,”calls the Metropolitan of Philadelphia.

The UGCC Department for Information


This is the English language link (The video is in English (despite the title in Ukrainian):

This is the Ukrainian language link:

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