Monday, 21 September, through Thursday, 23 September, this week, the traditional annual retreat of the clergy of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia took place at St. Alphonso Retreat House in New Jersey.
The theme of this year’s retreat, attended by 34 priests, was a reflection on the Gospel of St. Luke the Evangelist. Bishop Paul Chomnycky, Eparch of the Stamford Eparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, directed the retreat.
One of the Gospel readings from St. Luke the Evangelist, which Bishop Paul pondered in his teachings, was the story of Jesus’ call for fishermen to follow him.
“Jesus comes not to drive people away, but to call everyone and us to join him: no matter who we are, no matter how sinful we feel, we are no matter what our life circumstances are. So, Jesus’ call is not only to conversion but also to inclusion. I think this scene on the boat with Peter that you know is a symbol or should be a symbol of what our churches should be. Like our parishes should be like places of inclusion and not exclusion.”
Photos by Rev Ihor Kolisnyk