St. Nicholas School in Minersville, PA, celebrated the gift of Catholic Education during Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 30 – Feb. 5, 2022. Using the general theme: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed., students enjoyed a week of daily activities meant to help them remember that we are called to live as a community and family.
Students made cards to say “thank you” to the many groups that help us everyday: Parishioners of St. Nicholas Parish, who support the school by participating in the many fundraisers and activities of the school; first responders and Police, who ensure our safety and that of the Community; Veterans and Service Personnel, who have risked their own lives to ensure our freedom.
Students had fun with Crazy hats and socks day, Zumba classes on gym day, School Spirit Day, on which students and staff wore our school colors—blue and yellow, and activities that marked the100th Day of School, which took place on Thursday of the week.
On Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, students and staff participated in a school Retreat Day, which began with Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple. Led by Fr. Mark Fesniak, pastor, Sisters Natalya and Zenovia, SSMI, and some the teachers, students were reminded that God is central to their lives and the life of the school.