On Thursday, December 9, the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center (UECC) in Jenkintown together with the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia presented to a broader public a modern icon exhibit that had been specially put together by the ICONART Gallery of Contemporary Sacred Art in Lviv and has been on display in the residence of the Metropolitan-Archbishop on Franklin Street.
Natalie A. Firko, president of the UECC, welcomed the guests of the exhibit and expressed hope that UECC and the Archeparchy would continue working together to organize similar events. The next such event will take place on Saturday, December 18th at 4pm at the UECC. Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Maryana Karapinka will introduce a Ukrainian translation of the book of renowned spiritual author, father Henry Nouwen.
The modern icon exhibit was opened in the newly renovated “Cheremosh room” of the the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center. Sofia Zacharczuk, chief of staff of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia chancery, introduced the project. Archbishop Borys Gudziak briefly explained the background and the recent history of Ukrainian iconography.
“Any kind of religious expression in Ukraine was impossible for decades, religious art and iconography has almost died. Before your eyes you have the first generation of iconographers and artists who are trying to express themselves through spiritual and religious topics. They are distinctively Ukrainian and come out of the tradition but they are also to the core contemporary”, noted Archbishop Borys.
He briefly introduced the ICONART gallery in Lviv which arranged the exhibit and its initiator Kostyantyn Shumsky. “Kostyantyn was a student in the Executive MBA program at the Ukrainian Catholic University, and for his graduation project, he designed a business plan for a gallery which is now known as ICONART”.
During his years in the Paris eparchy, Archbishop Borys started inviting artists from ICONART to exhibit their works. That gave the artists exposure and the Ukrainian community in France had an opportunity to see something new.
The Archbishop also announced the project with another icon painting school “Radruzh” which is planned for the next year.