Feast of Pentecost at the cathedral parish in Philadelphia

On June 5, 2022, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Philadelphia, Borys Gudziak, celebrated a solemn Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. On this Sunday our Church observes the feast of the glorification of the Holy Spirit, and church interiors are decorated with green to symbolize the birth of new life–namely the birth of the Church.


“It’s a beautiful feast of Pentecost. It’s a feast of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity. After the Ascension of Jesus, which we celebrated ten days ago, the Church celebrates the sending of the Holy Spirit. Thus completing the revelation of who God is. God is three persons in communion, union. The central tenet of our faith is we have a God in communion. I want to encourage you today to look on Google for the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit and to pray that they grow in your life,” said Archbishop Borys Gudziak.

This particular celebration of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was special because two parishioners of our Cathedral–Anna and Amelia–received First Confession and Solemn Holy Communion.


“Girls, this is a very important day in your life and your presence among us is a testimony. We see in you childlike purity, we see in you those children whom Jesus called to himself, and we pray that we may be like you: pure and that we may run to Jesus, that we may live in Christ,” noted the Archbishop.

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