Funeral Arrangements for Fr John Fields

Here are the funeral arrangements for Fr John Fields 

The body will be brought to St. Michael Church in Frackville, PA at 11:00AM on Thursday, December 3rd. A Panakhyda will be celebrated at that time. 

Fr. John’s remains will lie in state until 7:00PM when the Priestly Parastas will be celebrated. 

Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Friday, December 4th at 10:00AM. 

Priests and Deacons are asked to wear red/dark vestments and masks. Social distancing will also be required.

Message of Archbishop Borys on passing of Father John M Fields.

I regret to inform our bishops, priests, religious, and faithful that Father John Fields has passed away in his home. The cause of death is yet to be determined. Father John was born in 1950 and this year in February celebrated his 70th birthday.

Among the numerous services that Father John rendered to the Church was ministry as long-time pastor and, in recent years, Religious Education and Communications Director of our Archeparchy.

Father John had many assignments in different parishes and various capacities throughout our Archeparchy.

A lawyer by first profession, Father John had a bright and inquisitive mind. He was a builder of churches, an avid conversationalist, a communicator. Animated, quick-witted, and with an incisive sense of humor Father John kept us alert. He loved to share news and was adept at doing so.

Father John was an ardent American patriot and a proud carrier of the legacy of his Pennsylvania coal mining homeland. There is nothing that he loved more than sharing stories of the people, parishes, and past of our Anthracite region.

He remained hopeful about the future, that of the Church, the country, and his own ability to make a contribution.

In our last conversation before Thanksgiving Father John was in good spirits and seemingly improving in his health.

I express my heartfelt condolences to Father John’s family and friends. 

As Father John professed and preached, our hope is in the Lord and His Resurrection.

At this time the funeral arrangements have not been finalized.

Let us remember him in our grateful prayers.

May his memory be eternal.

Вічная пам’ять!


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