Good Samaritan Pantry Is Being Inaugurated in the Philadelphia Archeparchy

Good Samaritan Pantry Is Being Inaugurated in the Philadelphia Archeparchy

Philadelphia, Pa.  At a meeting of the Philadelphia Deanery clergy on Thursday, October 8, 2020 here in the conference room of the Archieparchial Chancery offices, Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy and Sister Theodora Kopyn, OSBM and Mr. Sean McLaughlin, representing the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great, presented preliminary plans for the Good Samaritan Pantry, a new social service project being inaugurated in the region.  They have been serving as the organizing committee for the program.

Bishop Rabiy explains “The Good Samaritan Pantry is inspired by the teaching of Jesus in the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke.  In answer to the question, ‘Who is my neighbor’ Jesus gives us the example of the Samaritan who took care of the needs of a complete stranger.  The Samaritan, with compassion, treated the man as a neighbor.  Jesus then commands us ‘to go and do the same.’

It is being organized and sponsored by the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great, Fox Chase, Pa.  Parishes of the Philadelphia Deanery are major participants.

Present plans envision operating out of two centers—the Cathedral Social Hall, North Franklin Street in Philadelphia and the Sisters of St. Basil the Great, Fox Chase, Pa.

The program will primarily consist of the ongoing collection of non- perishable food items as well as personal care items for distribution to individuals and families in need.

Parishes and parishioners will be encouraged to enthusiastically support the Good Samaritan Pantry by their contribution-in-kind of food and personal care items, monetary contributions, and volunteering of time and talents in assist in the collection and distribution of the items collected for those in need.

During this initial organization of the Good Samaritan Pantry, many details and logistics will be developed and refined as the program is implemented.  Additional contact points may be established.

The target date for the inauguration of the program is November 15, the beginning of Philip’s Fast, which is also the Fourth World Day of the Poor announced by the Holy Father Pope Francis.

In his message, Pope Francis reminds us, “’Stretch forth your hand to the poor. ‘ (Sir 7:32). Age-old wisdom has proposed these words as a sacred rule to be followed in life. Today these words remain as timely as ever. They help us fix our gaze on what is essential and overcome the barriers of indifference. Poverty always appears in a variety of guises, and calls for attention to each particular situation. In all of these, we have an opportunity to encounter the Lord Jesus, who has revealed himself as present in the least of his brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 25:40).”

This year, as in the past two years,  the parishes of the Philadelphia Archeparchy will also continue their Christmas Social Projects to help their local communities during Philip’s Fast.

Good Samaritan Pantry flyers and brochures with additional information will be made available through parish bulletins and social media websites.

Anyone wishing to volunteer their time and talents may contact Bishop Andriy Rabiy, by mail at: Archbishop’s Chancery, 810 North Franklin Street, Philadelphia, Pa.  19123;  email at:, or by telephone at 215-627-0143.

Bishop Rabiy commented, “In the discourse on the Last Judgment, recall when Jesus being asked, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or homeless, or naked?’ Jesus answered and teaches us ‘Whatever you did for the least among you, you did for Me.’  Through the Good Samaritan Pantry, we will live the message of the Gospel that we have heard proclaimed to us as people of faith.”

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