Seminary Day will be Livestreamed on July 26 at 11AM and Liturgical Livestreaming Schedule

Liturgical Services Livestreaming Schedule

in the Philadelphia Archeparchy

(updated Friday, July 24, 2020)

  • St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church

Shenandoah, Pa.

11am Sunday, July 26, 2020 is the date for the traditional observance of Ukrainian Seminary Day in the Pennsylvania South Anthracite Deanery.

Because of the covid-19 pandemic, the usual festivities at St. Nicholas Grove in Primrose, Pa. will not be held this year. However, Bishop John Bura will join with the Clergy of the South Anthracite Deanery to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life during a special Divine Liturgy which will be celebrated in St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Shenandoah, Pa., the first Eastern Catholic parish founded in the United States in 1884. This Divine Liturgy will be closed to the public but will be live-streamed at 11:00 AM at:

All the faithful are encouraged to view this special livestreamed Divine Liturgy and participate virtually in prayer with Bishop John and the clergy, continuing a tradition that began in the 1930’s in the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania.

  • Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Philadelphia, Pa.

On the weekend of July 25-26, 2020 we are on the regular Divine Liturgies schedule at the Cathedral: Saturday – 4:30pm (in English), Sunday – 9:00am (in English) and 10:30am (in Ukrainian). However, only Sunday’s Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral will livestreamed.

Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am (in Ukrainian) — will be livestreamed via the Archeparchial and Cathedral Facebook page.

To watch on Archeparchial Facebook page click: or Cathedral Facebook page click:

25-26 липня ми будемо мати звичайний розклад Богослужінь у нашому Архикатедральному Соборі: у суботу – о 4:30 год. вечора (по англійськи), у неділю – о 9:00 год. ранку (по англійськи), о 10:30 год. ранку (по українськи). Проте, тільки недільна Літургія о 10:30 год. ранку буде транслюватись наживо через інтернет.

Божественна Літургія о 10:30 год. ранку (по українськи) – буде трансляція наживо через Архиєпархіяльну і Катедральну Facebook сторінки.

Для перегляду на Архиєпархіяльній сторінці у Facebook натисніть на: або на Катедральній сторінці у Facebook натисніть на:

  • Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family

Washington, DC

Open for public Sunday Divine Liturgies at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.  We will continue to Livestream via Facebook the 9:00 a.m. Liturgy in English and the 11:30 a.m. Liturgy in Ukrainian until further notice.

Facebook link:

  • Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church

Silver Spring, MD

Open for Public Services 

The Sunday Divine Liturgy at 11:30AM is livestreamed via

YouTube:  Facebook:

  • St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

Newark, New Jersey

Divine Liturgies will be livestreamed:

Monday to Saturday 8 am Ukrainian

Sundays: 8:30 am English, 10 am Ukrainian

Facebook link:

  • St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

Whippany, New Jersey

The Divine Liturgy in English will be broadcast at 5 PM on Saturdays and in Ukrainian/English at 11 AM on Sundays until further notice.

Facebook link:

  • Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church

Berwick, Pa.

Open for Public Services

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed on Saturday at 5:30 pm in English

Sunday Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am in English

Facebook link:

  • Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church

Bridgeport, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Saturday at 6 pm in English and Sunday at 9 am Ukrainian until further notice.

Youtube link:

You can also click on this link to go to Father Ron’s YouTube Channel.

For more information visit parish website at www.sspeterpaulukrchurch.u

  • St. Michaels Ukrainian Catholic Church

Frackville, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed this Sunday at 9:15 am.

Facebook link:

  • St. Mary’s (Patronage) Ukrainian Catholic Church

McAdoo, Pa.

Saturday 5 p.m. Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed.

Facebook link:

  • St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

Northampton, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday at 9:00 am until further notice.

Facebook link:

  • Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic Church

Olyphant, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday at 10 am on Facebook and then uploaded to YouTube until further notice.

Facebook link:

Youtube link:

Link to parish website:  https.//

  • Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church

Philadelphia, Pa.

The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday at 10:30 am until further notice.

Facebook link:

  • St. Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church

Warrington, Pa.

Sunday Divine Liturgy livestreamerd at 9 am

Facebook link:

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