Pilgrimage to the Mother of God on October 4th has been Cancelled

September 16, 2020

Reverend Father,

I am very sorry to share with you that the Pilgrimage to the Mother of God scheduled for Sunday, October 4, has been CANCELLED.  However Live Stream is available on YouTube.

We were hopeful that a modified schedule and comprehensive safety precautions would allow us to host pilgrims in person.  However, after further prayer and consideration, we have make this difficult decision to eliminate any possibility of spreading illness. Your health and the health of our Sisters are of paramount importance.

The Pilgrimage is a beloved occasion that has continued for generations, and we look forward to resuming it in 2021.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. Be assured that we will continue to remember your intentions and pray for an end to the pandemic.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Sr. Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM


P.S. We invite you individually, if you like,

to visit Our Lady of Pochaiv Grotto

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