Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great hold 87th Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God

On September 30, 2018 the 87th Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God was held at the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great in Fox Chase Manor, PA.  The Main Celebrant and Homilist for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was Bishop Benedict Aleksiychuk of the Eparchy of St. Nicholas in Chicago.  Concelebrants included Bishop John Bura, Auxillary Bishop of Philadelphia, Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM of Stamford, Bishop Bohdan Danylo of Parma, Msgr. Peter Waslo, Chaplain, Very Rev. Roman Pitula, and clergy.  Seminarians from St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Washington, DC were the Altar Servers for the Divine Liturgy.  The responses were led by the Choir from Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church, Perth Amboy, NJ.

Throughout the day, pilgrims had an opportunity to see relics and other items on display, attend Workshops on Prayer, go to Confession, and pray at Holy Trinity Chapel. At 4pm a Moleben to the Mother of God was celebrated with Bishop Benedict Aleksiychuk and clergy from the Archeparchy of Philadelphia.  Bishop Benedict Aleksiychuk offered a reflection during the Moleben.

At the conclusion of both the Divine Liturgy and Moleben, Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM, Provincial, thanked all the pilgrims for attending.  It was a very spiritual day with absolutely beautiful weather.

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