The following parishes of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia will start having public Divine Liturgies…

The following parishes of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia will start having PUBLIC Divine Liturgies and other services this weekend, May 16-17, 2020, as scheduled, and with all precautions of public health safety being observed:

  • Sts. Peter and Paul (Mount Carmel, PA)
  • Ascension of Our Lord (Sayre, PA)
  • Patronage of the Mother of God (Marion Heights, PA)
  • Transfiguration of Our Lord (Shamokin, PA)
  • Sts. Joachim and Anna (Front Royal, VA)
  • Sts. Peter & Paul (Curtis Bay, MD)
  • St. Michael the Archangel (Baltimore, MD)

Please contact parish offices for more information and schedule.

Decisions on opening churches for public services depend foremost on decisions of state or local authorities to lift quarantine and Stay at Home order. As soon as it happens, pastors will prepare their churches for services and make an official announcement about when services will start. We will continue monitoring the situation.

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