March 16, 2025, at approximately 6pm Washington time, most staff of the Voice of America's (VOA) 47 language services received notices of termination.
What the Soviet Union could not achieve, what the Russian, Iranian, Chinese, and other authoritarian regimes could only dream about has been accomplished by the American presidential administration: the silencing of America's 83-yeal-old service of media support for democracy, international law and justice and the defense of human rights. For decades repressed peoples could count on the VOA to provide accurate information about American and world affairs. Information to them denied, information forbidden.
Some of the international journalists working for VOA have visas based on the contracts that have now been voided. Some of them will have 30 days to leave the country. These included journalist —from China, Pakistan, and other authoritarian countries—against whom the respective regimes are pressing criminal charges, precisely for working with the VOA to tell the truth.
Several Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist have already been imprisoned: Vladyslav Yesypenko—in Russia; Farid Mehralizada—in Azerbaijan, Ihar Losik—serving 15 years in Belarus. Ihar is detained incommunicado.
Two outstanding journalists of the Ukrainian VOA service, Ostap Yarysh and Oleksii Kovalenko, graduates of the Український католицький університет UCuniversity School of Journalism received their termination letters during the vespers service while visiting the Saint Gabriel Institute (SGI) in Washington.
They and their colleagues who represent the more than 1000 staff of the VOA will continue witnessing to the truth.
Tonight we were privileged to hear first hand about these dramatic developments for the Ukrainian Voice of America Голос Америки Українською.
The students of the Communications and Diplomacy Program of the SGI embraced our brothers and prayed for all journalists who witness to the truth. Good dinner conversation and a final blessing are a sign of our shared hope in dark times.
I thank all those who have worked at VOA until today and over the last 83 years bringing truth and hope to hundreds of millions of persecuted people, to entire captive nations. We are ashamed that America is silencing its own voice.
Such setbacks will not be permanent.
Do not lose faith. Be inspired by Ukrainians who sacrifice their lives and livelihoods for freedom and justice. Do not fear!
God's truth will prevail!
Ostap, Oleksii and the former VOA journalists will not be silenced. Neither should be you or I!
+ Borys