The retreat, which began on Monday, September 16, and concluded on Thursday, September 19, focused on the call to proclaim the Gospel in daily life and priestly ministry. The clergy reflected on how God the Father sent His Only-Begotten Son to redeem the world from sin and death. With this in mind, priests were encouraged to share their personal experiences of Christ’s presence in their lives and His message of salvation.
Throughout the retreat, several priests shared personal testimonies of their vocation to the priesthood and how they have embraced the kerygmatic mission. They spoke of the power of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection in delivering humanity from the grasp of evil. Their talks also highlighted the presence of God in daily life and the blessings received through His grace.
During the retreat, priests of the South Anthracite deanery presented a $40,000 check collected during Seminary Day on July 28, 2024. The funds will support the seminary, ensuring the continued formation of future priests for the Archeparchy.
The retreat days were structured to provide time for both communal and personal spiritual renewal. Beginning with Vespers on Monday evening, each day featured prayers such as Matins and Vespers, personal reflection, and meditation. Sacred Scripture readings and the Holy Eucharist provided focal points for spiritual enrichment, with Confession available to the clergy throughout the retreat.
On Thursday, the retreat concluded with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and a panachyda (memorial service) for deceased clergy and hierarchs. The clergy left the retreat spiritually refreshed and renewed, ready to continue their mission of sharing the Good News with the faithful.