The twenty-five year history of Annunciation BVM Ukrainian Catholic Church in Melrose Park, Pennsylvania, is the history not of dates or buildings but a history of people-its founders and parishioners and of the priests who served them.
It was Metropolitan Ambrose Senyshyn, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadel¬phia who in the spring of 1962, began to seek a suitable property for the establishment of a parish in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The site, at 1206 Valley Road, was purchased on April 5, 1962 for $40,000. Set¬tlement was made with the estate of Johanna Allan on June 23 and ten days later Father Paul Burak, then an assistant at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church in New Kensington, PA was named its first pastor. Archbishop Senyshyn named the parish in honor of the Mother of God (Theotokos) with the title Annun¬ciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Antimension for the altar was signed by the Metropolitan on Au¬gust 14, 1962.
The first Sunday liturgy was celebrated on August 26, 1962 in one of the larger rooms of the new house which had been converted into a chapel. Steve Kazmar and Eugene Rohach, a realtor who assisted in the purchase of the Melrose Property, wrote to Archbishop Senyshyn”…the faithful number in excess of 200 persons, not counting the small children. The chapel and all the surrounding rooms were filled to ca¬pacity. To say it was one of the thrilling sights to behold is putting it mildly. The sincerity of the people, their patient religious fervor was manifested in a true and…spiritual manner. This is the beginning of a new era for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Philadelphia area.”
Before 1962 came to an end, Father Burak had formed an Altar Boys Society, the League of Ukrainian Catholic Youth and a parish choir under the direction of its first cantor, Jaroslaw Shchuka.
The opening of Annunciation BVM parish soon attracted 100 registered families. Father Burak, with several parishioners, set out to clear and repair the premises. Soon parishioners gathered for religious and social functions. A fund raiser was established for the parish by assessing each registered family $1000, to be paid over a five year period.
The original plan for the land at 1206 Valley Road called for a church and rectory to be con¬structed. However, local zoning requirements in Montgomery County and the opposition of neighbors made it necessary to purchase the adjoining property at 1204 Valley Road. Father Burak’s efforts made it possible to buy the present rectory on August 23, 1963 for $59,000.
Archbishop Senyshyn made his first canonical visitation to the parish on February 16, 1964. On July 16, 1964, he instructed Father Burak to build a new church with a seating capacity of 400 to 500 peo¬ple at a cost not to exceed $250,000. Within a year and a half, through a building campaign, Father Burak netted $35,000.
The building plans for the church were finalized in 1968 when Ricker and Axt were hired as archi¬tects to deign the church and P. Agnes, Inc. was chosen as the contractor. Groundbreaking ceremonies took place on April 28, 2968. Rev. Monsignor Myroslaw Charyna officiated at the ceremony as the representa¬tive of Archbishop Senyshyn. The late Dr. Emil Harasym, the heart and soul of the parish, served as gen-eral chairperson of the event. Through the kindness of Father Hollick, services were held at Holy Trinity Ruthenian Catholic Church in East Oak Lane until the new church was completed. It was during this time that Professor John Onuskonich came out of retirement to serve as director and cantor of the parish choir.
The annual parish Christmas Bazaar was established and continues to this day to provide much fi¬nancial support to the parish. In 1969 the Altar Memorial Fund was founded in memory of Stephen Shast, an altar boy who died at the age of 15. The late Olga Krill and Sophia Bukata chaired the Altar Fund from its inception.
Father Burak’s failing health (he had had two heart attacked within a five month period) necessi¬tated his transfer to a parish where lighter duties would enable him to recover his health. In 1970 he was assigned as pastor of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in McKeesport, PA. Father Barak died on May 23, 1987, while on sick leave from his assignment of Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in McAdoo Pa. May his memory be eternal!
On March 9, 1970, Very Rev. Constantine Berdar was named pastor and served until 1972. Bishop Stock made a canonical visit to the parish on December 5, 1971.
Very Rev. Augustine Molodowitz was named administrator of the parish on April 21, 1972. He served as administrator until May 1 when Bishop John Stock became the third pastor of Annunciation BVM Church. Bishop Stock’s tenure was short live. During the early morning hours of June 29, 1972 (the feast of SS. Peter and Paul), Bishop Stock was returning to the parish from the Ukrainian Catholic Semi¬nary in Stamford CT when his car collided with a truck on the New Jersey Turnpike near Bordentown. Bishop Stock was killed instantly.
Rev. Robert Moskal succeeded the late Bishop as pastor. To alleviate the financial burdens of the parish, he started the 2/20 Club and arranged for another mortgage from The Providence Association. The blessing of the cornerstone was set for June 30, 1973; however, a very unexpected event took place. The cornerstone was blessed not only by Archbishop Senyshyn but also by the prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Major Archbishop Josef Cardinal Slipij. The blessing took place May 13, 1973, between Cardinal Slipij’s visit to the Mother’s Day Pilgrimage at the Motherhouse of the Sisters of St. Basil and his attendance at a banquet at the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia.
Several priests served Annunciation Parish. The late Very Rev. Nicholas Kohut, OSBM; Rev. Hilary Benedict, OSBM; Rev. Joseph Korba, CSSR and Rev. Alex Burak, brother of the late Father Paul, who served during his brother’s illness. Rev. Michael Batcho served as a deacon prior to his ordination from March to May, 1972. Rev. Thomas Sayuk resided at the parish after his ordination. Other priests who assisted the pastors were Rev. Iwan Popil and Rev. Joseph Kisner.
The late Rev. Monsignor Michael Federowich was named pastor of Annunciation Parish on Sep¬tember 1, 1974 and served until November, 1979, when he was named pastor of St. Josaphat’s Church (now Cathedral) in Parma, OH. During Monsignor Federowich’s pastorship, the mortgage for the church was paid off and the adjoining property at 7803 N. 12lh Street was purchased with the hope of establishing a diocesan catechetical center. Monsignor also arranged for church altars to be designed by Ukrainian art¬ist, Christine Dochwat.
In November, 1979, Very Rev. Basil Makuch took over as pastor. Although Monsignor Makuch served the parish less than two year, he managed to pay $64,000 mortgage on the 12th street property and to commission the new altars to be erected.
Rev. Monsignor James Melnic came to Annunciation on August 14, 1981 from St. Mary’s Ukrain¬ian Catholic Church in Solon, OH, where he was the founding pastor. Monsignor Melnic was to remain pastor at Annunciation for 26 years.
Under Monsignor Melnic’s stewardship, the parish grew from its beginning of a 100 families to over 400 families.
Monsignor reorganized the parish choir and in 1985 financed the taping of the choir’s first profes¬sional record on Christmas music. As the parish started its second 25 years, highlight of the Choir was the trip to Europe in July 1988, the year celebrating the Millennium of Christianity in Ukraine. The choir, un¬der the direction of Ihor Kusznir, visited Rome, Italy, and several cities in what was then Yugoslavia, and Vienna, Austria.
In Rome, the Annunciation BVM Choir joined other Ukrainian choirs from all over the world in signing a Liturgy at the Basilica of St. Peter, a Liturgy which Pope John Paul 11 concelebrated. The Liturgy was followed by the choirs’ performance at a concert where the Holy Father was in attendance.
During their visit in Yugoslavia, the choir sang the Liturgy and performed in the town of Prnjavor. The last destination, Vienna, Austria, included singing the Liturgy at St. Barbara Ukrainian Catholic Church, where our choir joined St. Barbara’s choir, under the direction of Andrij Hnatyszyn.
In January 1991, choir director Ihor Kusznir passed his capable baton to Irene Pelech-Zwarych and Lesia Penkalskyj, both of whom continue to co-direct the choir to this day. Ihor still continues to enhance the Liturgy with his beautiful singing – particularly during the Easter liturgy.
The Annunciation BVM Choir not only has sung responses to Sunday Liturgies, but also performed in parish events, such as the parish Swiachene and Prosphora and has sung in Ukrainian community events in the Philadelphia area. In addition, the choir performed several times in the Cheltenham community inter¬faith services. The Annunciation choir continues their tradition of trips to upstate Pennsylvania, New York and Baltimore, Maryland to visit our parishes there and to sing the Liturgy. Included in these trips was partici¬pation in the Seminary Days in Minersville PA and singing for a wedding ceremony in Reading, PA.
The Annunciation Choir had the opportunity to participate in special commemorative Liturgies, such as the Enthronement Ceremony of His Grace Metropolitan Stefan in February, 2001; the Mother’s Day Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, along with the Annual Pilgrimage to the Blessed Mother the Protectress, organized by the Sisters of St. Basil the Great. In 2004, the choir participated in the Liturgy commemorat-ing the Great Famine – Holodomar-in Ukraine, at the St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral.
The choir has participated in the Annual Christmas Concert at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception since the inception of this event.
The longtime success of the choir also relies on capable administrative leadership. The presidents of the choir in the last 25 years included Oleksander Boretsky, Stefan Hawrysz, Eugene Markiw, Olenka Rudyj Zajac, Ulana Zalipsky and current president Oksana Trycieckyj. The tireless efforts of Emil and Suzanne Bobyock are a perpetual driving force for the choir.
The Annunciation BVM Choir always welcomes new members and visiting singers, cherishes our longtime members and embraces even the youngest members of the parish. We remember and honor all of our former members and highly value each present member who comes to sing for the Glory of God.
While he was pastor, Monsignor Melnic paid off the parish assessment for the new Chancery build¬ing on Franklin Street for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia as well as the remainder of the mortgage for the adjoining property on 12th Street.
Monsignor commissioned the renowned Ukrainian iconographer Andrij Maday to do the new iconostas and interior painting of the church. A mosaic for the exterior of the church, over the front en¬trance was designed and installed by Christina Dochwat.
Under Monsignor Melnic’s pastorship a new bell and carillon system was installed as well as new exterior church doors. A new sign was erected in front of the church rectory. The sacristy and parish grounds were renovated, the church hall, which serves many parish and social functions, was overhauled, with new lighting, flooring and furniture.
Monsignor Melnic established a catechicatical program under the direction of Sister Thomas, SSMI, who was also the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy. Sister was assisted by a capa¬ble and professional lay staff of Mrs. Halia Mazurok Reh, Mrs. Stephanie Zyblikewych and Mrs. Maria Cyhan.
Due to health problem, Sister Thomas was sent to the Motherhouse of Sister Servants of Mary Im¬maculate in Sloatsburg NY to recover. Currently, in her 80’s, she is still working as Catechetical Director in Minersville PA. and is teaching children about God’s love and the beauty of their Ukrainian Catholic heritage!
After serving as pastor for 26 years, Monsignor Melnic was transferred to St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hazelton PA. where he currently serves as pastor and also as pastor of Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in McAdoo PA.
Rev. Ihor Royik succeeded Monsignor Melnic on August 16, 2007. Father came to Annunciation from St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Passaic NJ. Prior to coming to the United States, Father was pastor at St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, Canada. Father Royik also served 12 parishes in southeastern Manitoba.
Since 2007 Father Royik has undertaken several major projects to renovate the interior and exterior of the church. The church parking lot was resurfaced and repaved. A new heating and air conditioning system was installed. New pews, carpeting and lighting have given the interior of the church a much needed brighter appearance. The new iconostas, completed in 2012 by Yuriy Kostiv, an engineer by profession but also a mas¬ter woodcarver, has added to the beauty of the sanctuary.
The renovations, under Father Royik’s leadership and direction, are due in no small part to the generos¬ity of the parishioners of Annunciation BVM Church.
The spiritual and physical growth of Annunciation BVM Parish since its founding in 1962 is a tribute to its founding pastor, Father Paul Burak, the vision of Metropolitan Ambrose Senyshyn, the priests and pas¬tors who served it and who will continue to serve future generations of Ukrainian Catholics and to the faith, tremendous generosity and hard work of its parishioners.