Our parish serves the Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic community in the Middlesex/Northern Monmouth County, NJ area. Our parish belongs to the Byzantine Catholic Church, an Eastern Catholic Church that has its own rite, that is, liturgical traditions. Along with the Roman Catholic Church, the Byzantine Church is in full communion with Rome and is under the spiritual leadership of the Pope of Rome. The parish belongs to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Vibrant and active, the parish comprises descendants from the pre-WWI immigration and from the post-WWII immigration. More recently, after the fall of Communism, we have welcomed many new immigrants from Ukraine. All have come to the United States in search of a better life – while keeping their heritage alive. The parish also has families of various ethnicities that enjoy Eastern Christian spirituality and traditions. Our parish has run Assumption Catholic School (ACS) for over 50 years.
The parish has active church groups that perform charitable activities while nurturing social as well as spiritual needs. Our fine Choir “Boyan” sings traditional a cappella four-part harmony responses in Ukrainian at Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 9 AM. We celebrated our Centennial Jubilee in 2008. Founded in 1908, parishioners first worshipped in the old church on Wayne St. in Perth Amboy. The present church edifice was completed in 1952. In 2007, it underwent major exterior and interior beautification and renovation. For the glory of God, our church contains genuine art masterpieces including extensive mosaic iconography and a rare painted biblical mural iconography by Jacques Hnizdovsky. A busy parish, there are many parish activities to enjoy. Explore our site to learn more about our parish, or better yet, come and visit us sometime.