The early parishioners dreamed of a traditional Ukrainian church. They viewed the original building as temporary. Gradually funds were raised by the parishioners for this purpose. At the general parish meeting on January 30,1983, a proposal was recommended and adopted to build a new church. A building committee was formed, naming Rev. Roman Mirchuk, Stephan Zacharko, Stephen Hawryluk, and John Catrombon as chairmen. On October 24, 1983, the church committee purchased nearly three acres of land on Brooks Boulevard in Hillsborough, NJ, from Matilda Zwerko for $60,000.00. A ground-breaking ceremony was held on September 15, 1985. Participating in the ceremony were: Msgr. Wolodymyr Paska, Rev. Paul Labinsky, Rev. David Clooney, and Rev. Roman Mirchuk.
The committee had several goals to achieve. A Building Fund was established. The next task was to obtain proper building permits and plans for the construction of the church. The committee coordinated the construction schedule, acted as the general contractor, and was responsible for the progress of this project. The plans for the church were contracted with architect Taras Dobosh of Bridgewater, NJ, and Gregory Dobosh as general contractor.
The building of the church started in September 1986, with the blessings of Metropolitan Archbishop Stephen Sulyk. The parish had raised $317,438.00. In addition, we obtained a mortgage for $80,000.00 from Providence-Fraternal Organization of Ukrainian Catholics. This mortgage was paid off with the generous support of the parishioners and the unceasing efforts and dedication of the members of the Apostleship of Prayer.
Makarenko Studio from Yonkers, NY, were contracted to design the interior of the church in authentic Ukrainian tradition. They designed and installed the iconostas, royal doors, side altars etc. The parishioners sponsored all the items. Plaques in the vestibule and beneath the windows list some of the donors. The construction of the church was completed in 1987, with the cost of $730,000.00. Metropolitan Archbishop Sulyk honored us by blessing the new church on May 15, 1988. A banquet followed at the VFW Hall in Manville.
With the completion of the church, a new goal was established - to build a hall. After nearly five years of fundraising, $170,000.00 had been raised toward building a hall designed to match the exterior of the church. In the spring of 1993, we were granted permission from the Metropolitan of Philadelphia to start the project. The general contractor was Gregory Dobosh; some of the work was subcontracted. To minimize the cost, parishioners volunteered their talents and time. However, the rising construction costs forced us to apply for additional funds. In a letter dated April 19, 1994, Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk granted permission for us to have a $200,000.00 mortgage from Providence. The mortgage was granted in August 1994. The construction of the hall was completed in 1996.
The hall has a state-of-the-art commercial kitchen, designed with the help of Nicholas Hnidj. The ladies of the Apostleship of Prayer utilize the kitchen to prepare dinners for special occasions such as Prosphora, Sviachene. The kitchen has seen its greatest use for the fund raising "Pyrohy Project." The money raised by the Apostleship of Prayer has paid for the kitchen equipment. The hall needed to be furnished with tables, chairs, carpet, blinds and separating wall. Funds for these projects were donated by individual parishioners. The total cost of the hall was $629,134.00. With the efforts and dedication of the Apostleship of Prayer and all the parishioners, the mortgage for the hall was paid off in December 1999.