The parish was established in 1886.
The Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Located in the historic Northern Liberties district in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was erected in 1966 through the effort of Ukrainian Catholics in America. This magnificent edifice, designed by Julian K. Jastremsky, replaced the old Cathedral Church which had been purchased in 1907 by Bishop Sotor Stephen Ortynsky, O.S.B.M., the first bishop of Ukrainian Catholics.
The present Cathedral, constructed to reflect authentic Byzantine architecture, is built in the same style as Hagia Sofia (St. Sophia) Cathedral in Constantinople (present day Istanbul, Turkey). It also mirrors the beauty and richness of the religious and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people. Basic geometric forms were purposely and consistently used to develop the character of the building. Almost no ornamentation is needed, though the completion of the interior embellishments is an ongoing process which will continue over the years.
The limestone and architectural concrete structure is 172 feet in length, 128 feet wide, and 106 feet high. The most impressive feature of the Cathedral is the central dome, which is 100 feet in diameter. It's exterior is covered with 1/4 inch square Venetian glass tiles made of 22 karat gold fused in glass. The dome's interior portrays a mosaic of the Pantocrator (Christ, the Almighty ruler). The dome seemingly rests on 32 windows, depicting the coat of arms of regions of Ukraine, and the popes, bishops and religious orders who contributed to the growth of the Ukrainian Catholic church in the United States. The zig-zag design seen in the windows above the arches is a wheat motif.
When the Cathedral cornerstone was laid on October 16, 1966, a stone from the tomb of St. Peter the Apostle was placed therein. This stone was given to Archbishop Ambrose Senyshyn by Pope Paul VI for the Cathedral as a fitting symbol of the unity of faith of the Ukrainian people with the Apostolic Roman See. This unity of faith is all the more apparent in the honor accorded Ukrainian Catholics by the visit of the Supreme Pontiff, His Holiness John Paul II to this, our Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Philadelphia on Thursday, October 4, 1979.