As of July 22, 2020 Metropolia of Philadelphia raises a total of $104,761 to help the Flood Victims!

FACEBOOK donations: $43,718; Parish collections in the Archeparchy of Philadelphia:
$33,725; Private and organization donations: $27,318!

• Archeparchy of Philadelphia, Eparchy of Stamford, St. Nicholas Eparchy of Chicago, IL and St. Josaphat Eparchy of Parma, OH, participate in the fundraising drive to raise money for the flood victims in Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions. Philadelphia Metropolia is also joined by some parishes of St. Volodymyr the Great Eparchy of Paris (France) in effort to help people in the affected areas;

• As of July 14, 2020, we transferred $25,000 to Caristas – Ivano-Frankivsk (Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk); $25,000 to Caritas – Kolomyya (Eparchy of Kolomyya) and $20,000 to Eparchy of Chernivtsi out of the relief assistance fund;

• Initial assistance (week 1): at least 850 food packages, 128 sets of cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items; tons of cement and other building supplies were given away by the three eparchial Caritas organizations;

• Round II assistance: they need to provide more food, water, bedding, cleaning supplies, various building supplies, children’s school supplies and clothing, furniture, home appliances (refrigerators, laundry washers, stoves – electric or gas); adult and child diapers, mattresses, etc.

• Priority is given to handicapped persons and large families;

• Our assistance to flood victims in Western Ukraine reaches people very fast, quality and no limit or restrictions (anyone can get it, no difference of religious affiliation) in Eparchy of Chernivtsi, Eparchy of Kolomyya and Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk. We collect donations, and they purchase necessary items and distribute them. Everything is reported, reviewed and transparent. You may follow on the news of progress on Facebook page for Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Join us in doing a good deed!

• You may mail your donation to our chancery office or do it on Facebook!

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