Video: Bishop Andriy Rabiy speaks about continued assistance efforts to those affected by recent floods in western Ukraine

Bishop Andriy Rabiy speaks about continued assistance efforts of the Metropolia of Philadelphia in the USA to those affected by recent floods in western Ukraine:
– fundraising drive is very successful;
– the entire Metropolia of Philadelphia and Eparchy of Paris participate in the fundraising;
– received $75,454 as of today
– what initial assistance was given in Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk, Eparchy of Kolomyya and Eparchy of Chernivtsi: at least 850 food packages, 128 sets of cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items; tons of cement and other building supplies given away;
– planning for Stage II assistance: food, water, bedding, cleaning supplies, various building supplies, children’s school supplies and clothing, furniture, home appliances – refrigerators, laundry washers, stoves – electric or gas, ; electric generator and pumps; adult and child diapers, etc.;
– priority is given to handicapped persons and large families;
– we transferred: Archeparchy of Ivano-Frankivsk – $25,000; Eparchy of Kolomyya – $25,000 and Eparchy of Chernivtsi – $20,000.
– remaining for next distribution – $5,454.00
– fundraising drive continues. Please donate at

(Information from Archeparchy of Philadelphia Facebook page)

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