A Recap of the Archbishop Borys Gudziak visit to Ukraine

During his visit to Ukraine, Metropolitan Borys Gudziak participated in many important events. Let’s briefly mention the major ones.

Meeting with the Seminarians, June 25


Metropolitan Borys Gudziak met with seminarians of the Lviv Holy Spirit Seminary. The topic of the meeting, organized by the Mission Department of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, was the mission of our Church in diaspora. During the meeting, the Archbishop emphasized: “Today our Church in different countries needs young zealous priests who can learn the language of the countryas well as possible, who know the local culture, and who can serve among our faithful. Some 10 million people have left Ukraine during the past 30 years”.

He stressed not only Ukrainians need a mission. “Our people are all people of good will. The next step in the development of our Church will be determined by the criterion of whether we will truly become a missionary Church that follows Christ’s call to preach to all nations. Certain steps in this direction are already being taken. In Canada, for example, a Chinese parish of the UGCC opened, headed by a Chinese Jesuit and Chinese parishioners, ” the Metropolitan said.

UCU Graduation, June 26

Graduation at the Ukrainian Catholic University began with a solemn Liturgy and prayer. Nearly 500 students recieved diplomas

Honorary Speaker was Larisa Galadza, Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine.

“Love your enemies, and you will change this world!” Archbishop Borys Gudziak encouraged the graduates.

Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the apostolic visit of St. John Paul to Ukraine, June 27

UCU hosted a festive week with a series of events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of St. John Paul’s apostolic visit to Ukraine.

There were night vigils in the University Church of the Blessed New Martyrs of the UGCC. During the services, presided by the President of UCU, Bishop Borys Gudziak, 22 newly painted icons, a chandelier, a seven-candlestick, a cross, and a ripid were consecrated. After the vigil, a festive concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the apostolic visit of St. John Paul to Ukraine took place in the Church of St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God.

During his visit to Ukraine, Pope John Paul II dedicated the cornerstone for the construction of a university campus UCU, which belongs to the church and the Blessed Martyrs Church. “John Paul II’s visit to Ukraine was an epoch-making event that the Pope himself sought. He wanted to be in Ukraine; he wanted to recognize the martyrs as blessed; and he wanted to show Ukrainians that God loves them “- Metropolitan Borys Gudziak.

Lviv city council inaugurated the Avenue St. John Paul II formerly known as  Khutorivka Street.

UCU Summer Theological School, June 29

Summer theological school for UCU employees and professors started at the Holy Dormition Lavra in Univ. The program consists of three modules: Kerygma, Introduction to Eastern Christian Spirituality and the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and Theology of Word and Image.

On the first day, President of UCU and Metropolitan Borys Gudziak visited the school and had an informal discussion with the participants.

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